| 1. | Are you having trouble sustaining energy on the back nine 你在后九洞感到体力不支吗? |
| 2. | Are you having trouble sustaining energy on the back nine 你在后九洞出现体力不支吗? |
| 3. | Do not exercise on an empty stomach or just after a big meal 不应空肚做运动,特别紧记要吃早餐,以免体力不支。 |
| 4. | Be easy to tired , or have no obvious reason to feel energy shortage , the physical strength can not stand up 易于疲乏,或无明显原因感到精力不足,体力不支。 |
| 5. | Do not exercise on an empty stomach or just after a big meal . wear comfortable clothing , socks and shoes 不应空肚做运动,特别紧记要吃早餐,以免体力不支。 |
| 6. | Nylon is unsuitable , because it doesn t absorb perspiration , and can easily cause skin allergy 避免空肚做运动,以免体力不支而晕倒,太饱则会导致消化不良。 |
| 7. | Into this she sank , pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul 她感到筋疲力尽、体力不支,疲惫似乎正侵入她的内心深处,她一屁股坐在扶手椅上。 |
| 8. | Robert was able to stay with the leading runner for most of the race until he weakened and had to drop back 罗伯特能在赛跑的大部分过程中与跑在最前面的选手并驾齐驱,直到后来他因体力不支才不得不落在了后面。 |
| 9. | Although the roman knight is very strong , he is not very cleaver , oh my god ! his neck is full of blood , the vampire is sucking his blood 虽然罗马武士满身肌肉但是有勇无谋,一不小心脖子中了吸血鬼的吸血大法,最后终于体力不支倒在血泊中 |
| 10. | These words rang in dant s ears , even beneath the waves ; he hastened to cleave his way through them to see if he had not lost his strength 在海浪劈头打来的时候,这些话又在唐太斯的耳边响了起来,他使劲划起水来,以此看看自己是否真的体力不支。 |