[ zuòbìshàngguān ] stand by watching others battle; be an onlooker; look on indifferently; sit by and watch; stand by watching others' battles; stay behind the breastworks and watch others fight; watch the fighting from the rampart
Example Sentences:
Are they attendants or only onlookers 他们是亲身投入还是作壁上观
Would the lakers have to trade him then ? would he take it as far as sitting for actual games ? what would be the financial repercussions 湖人那时会交易他吗?科比会作壁上观吗?会出现什么样的连锁反应呢?
A year ago this weekend anton ferdinand sat frustrated in the stands as west ham united lost at home to preston north end 1年前的这个周末安顿.费迪南德在球队主场输给普雷斯顿的比赛中丧气的只能在看台上作壁上观。
There was an instantaneous scattering of the four men who had carried it in , and from safe perches on top the wall they prepared to watch the performance 抬笼子进来的那四个人马上四处散开,在高墙上找个安全的栖身之所作壁上观。
San antonio ' s lead was 16 at half time and 27 after three , meaning popovich ' s starters spent most of the second half on the sideline thinking about cavaliers and pistons 马刺半场领先16分,第三节过后领先27分,这就意味着波波维奇的首发球员们在下半场大部分时间里都作壁上观,一边还琢磨着骑士和活塞。
Other big banks believe that pouring money into any institution with credit and operating problems ? which is the case for every chinese bank ? is madness if it doesn ' t also bring control 其它一些大银行则认为,把大笔钱投入到那些存在信用和经营问题的银行(事实上中国所有银行都是如此)并且作壁上观,实属疯狂之举。
Today , through films and history books , we are even more aware of the cruel fights and games that took place in this arena , all for the joy of the spectators 如今,通过电影和历史书籍等媒介,我们能更深切地感受到当时在这里发生的人与兽之间的残酷格斗和搏杀,而这一切,只是为了给作壁上观的观众带来一些原始而又野蛮的快感。