| 1. | Rise and fall of the carrian group 佳宁集团的背景 |
| 2. | Sets up carrian group 创立佳宁集团 |
| 3. | During the 1980s , the carrian group was involved in a string of complex criminal cases 八零年代,佳宁集团被指牵涉多宗刑事案件,案情复杂。 |
| 4. | During the 1980s , the carrian group was involved in a string of complex criminal cases 八零年代,佳宁集团被指牵涉多宗刑事案件,案情复杂。 |
| 5. | But what was it that motivated bmfl to grant carrian huge credits one after another 可是究竟裕民财务为甚么一次又一次向佳宁集团借出大笔的贷款呢? |
| 6. | The explosive growth of carrian pushed its stock price up more than tenfold over the space of just one year 佳宁集团的迅速崛起,令股价在短短的一年内劲升十数倍。 |
| 7. | The engineer starts his own company to engage initially in the pest - control business and later establishes the carrian group 商人自组公司,最初从事灭虫生意,后成立佳宁集团。 |
| 8. | Carrian obtained loans from certain of these banks as a result of tan paying massive bribes to bank executives 陈松青曾支付钜额贿款予当中某些银行的行政人员,使前佳宁集团获得贷款。 |
| 9. | With the carrian empire fast expanding and its share price skyrocketing , many investors were eager to get their hands on carrian stocks 佳宁集团不断壮大,股价飙升,受到股民热烈追捧。 |
| 10. | After the establishment of tf3 , a huge amount of documents related to the carrian group and bmfl were transferred to the task force by the police 专案小组成立后,从警方手中取得大量与佳宁集团和裕民财务有关的文件。 |