便步走: [军事] march at ease; route step:便步走!(口令) at ease, march!; route step, march
Example Sentences:
The horse was not capable of any very sustained effort, and its gallop soon subsided into a trot, and its trot into an easy walk . 这马缺乏耐力,很快由奔驰变成小跑,由小跑变成便步。
Wang , who will turn 31 this may , was in town yesterday for a press conference to promote the last concert of his heroes of earth world tour , to be held in kuala lumpur on march 3 今年5月便步入31岁的王力宏,昨天召开记者招待会发布他的盖世英雄全球巡回演唱会的最后一站将于三月三日在吉隆坡举行。
The commander - in - chief made a sign for the soldiers to go on freely , and he and all his suite looked as though they took pleasure in the sound of the singing , and the spectacle of the dancing soldier and the gaily , smartly marching men 总司令做了个手势,要士兵们继续便步行进,一听见歌声,一望见跳舞的士兵和快活地脚步敏捷地行进的全连的士兵,总司令及其侍从们的脸上就流露出喜悦的表情。