British troops will continue to help train security forces there 英军队将在那里继续帮助他们训练安全保卫力量。
Turkish forces are escalating their fight against kurdish rebels based in northern iraq . they launched a deadly early morning air raid , targeting rebel positions near the border with iran 英国军方正式将巴士拉的掌控权移交给伊位克。英军队将在那里继续帮助他们训练安全保卫力量。该项移交意味着该国18个省的一半将被伊拉克政府控制。
The securities and firemen are bridle - wise . especially full - time fire brigade is unique one in all over the southwest market . professional securities offer safety for meerchants twenty - four hours and ensure the development of yunfang shopping center 训练有素的保安、消防队伍,特别是专职消防队在西南地区所有市场是独一无二的;专业化保安24小时为客商提供安全保障,保卫力量为云纺商业区的发展保架护航。