| 1. | Pamphlet for open bond system 开放式保税仓系统单张 |
| 2. | Dutiable goods are removed from an importing conveyance to a bonded warehouse 应课税货品从进口运输工具移往保税仓; |
| 3. | Dutiable goods are removed from a bonded warehouse to an exporting conveyance 应课税货品由保税仓搬移至出口运输工具; |
| 4. | Dutiable goods are removed from a bonded warehouse to another bonded warehouse 应课税货品从一个保税仓移往另一个保税仓。 |
| 5. | General bonded warehouse 一般保税仓 |
| 6. | Goods which are exempt from duty are removed from an importing conveyance or bonded warehouse 豁免课税之货品从进口运输工具或保税仓移出; |
| 7. | Dutiable goods are removed from a bonded warehouse to a place where the goods will be destroyed 应课税货品从一个保税仓移往货品将予销毁之地方。 |
| 8. | Dutiable goods used as ship s aircrafts stores are removed from a bonded warehouse to an exporting conveyance 用作船舶或飞机的补给品由保税仓搬移至出口运输工具; |
| 9. | Goods are removed for local use from the importing conveyance or bonded warehouse upon payment of the full duty 在悉数缴付税款后,货品从进口运输工具或保税仓移出以供本地使用; |
| 10. | Duty has to be paid upon delivery of the dutiable goods from the importing carrier or bonded warehouse to the market 当应课税货品自进口运输工具或保税仓运往市场时,须缴付税款。 |