[ dàoxíngnìshī ] 1.(所作所为违背社会正义及时代潮流) go against the historical trend; try to put the clock back; push a reactionary policy 短语和例子 反动派的倒行逆施从反面教育了人民。 the perverse acts of the reactionaries taught the people by negative example.2.(做事违反常理;违反常理的做法) perverse acts; do things in a perverse way
The perverse acts of the reactionaries taught the people a negative example . 反动派的倒行逆施从反面教育了人民。
America's humiliation in that distant enterprise was seen as an object lesson in the immorality of america's postwar world leadership . 美国在这场遥远的战争中所遭受的耻辱被看成是美国在领导战后世界中倒行逆施而应得的一场公正的教训。
I ' ve been a sinner , i ' ve been a scamp 我曾倒行逆施,胡作非为
Yet such a concentration of power is an anachronistic mistake 然而这样的权力集中正在犯一个倒行逆施的错误。
In any case , i want to assure you that we are not turning back the clock back , not standing still , not shutting people out 无论如何,我要向你们保证,我们并没有倒行逆施,停滞不前,或剥夺市民叁与宪制发展的机会。
Then , by thrashing about , dragons either stop making rain and cause water shortages , or they breathe black clouds that bring storms and floods 然后,借助倒行逆施,龙要么停止造雨造成水缺乏,要么它们吞吐黑云带来暴风雨洪灾泛滥。
As many people know , i am conservative . but conservatism - wanting to sustain things that you know and value - does not mean standing still or turning back the clock 很多人都知道,我为人保守,但保守主义的意义,在于保留和延续我们懂得和珍惜的事物,而非故步自封或倒行逆施。
When i was watching the film , i was like , is it really dave wong ? charlene choi and gillian chung have done a nice job as well . gillian s improvement is notable 马伟豪成功把偶像演员融入故事之内,而不是像某些明星电影一样倒行逆施,电影故事惨被偶像风头魅力盖过,这是他成功之处,也是观众之幸。
As usual , the special feature has no subtitles . it might not be a very good film that is worth a slot in your dvd collection , but if you want to see it , get the dvd version or you ll regret for sure 马伟豪成功把偶像演员融入故事之内,而不是像某些明星电影一样倒行逆施,电影故事惨被偶像风头魅力盖过,这是他成功之处,也是观众之幸。