[ zuòzéixīnxū ] a bad conscience is a snake in one’s heart a bad custom is like a good cake better broken than kept a guilty conscience needs no accuser guilty consciences make man cowards
Example Sentences:
She had a guilty look which immediately roused surmise in his mind . 她那做贼心虚的神色马上引起了他的猜测。
There was a gloomy and rather guilty silence in the company . 这么一来,那几个人未免有些尴尬,象做贼心虚似的,出现了冷场。
He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it 鼻子长得大,总怕有人说。 /做贼心虚。
A guilty conscience is a self - accuser 做贼心虚,良心自诛。
S ; and , when napoleon returned to france , he , after the manner of mediocre minds , termed the coincidence , a decree of providence 腾格拉尔很清楚他给了唐太斯那一击是多么厉害,他象所有做贼心虚但又要小聪明的人一样,诿称这是天意。