Chinese translation for "停工 "
[ tínggōng ] stop work; shut down; time out; laying-off; off-stream ◇停工待料 work being held up for lack of material; hold up work for lack of material; 停工检查 shutdown inspection; 停工停产 stop work and production; production came to a standstill (in factories) Related Translations:停工成本 : inactivity costsshutdown cost
停工令 : cease work orderstowork order
停工检修 : shut-down mainteance
停工津贴 : allowance for work stoppage
停工差异 : idle-activity variance
停工时间 : bad timebreakdown timebroken timedead timedowntimeidle houridle timeinactive timelie timeoutage timeshut down timestoppage timetime outtime,outofservicetime-out
Example Sentences: 1. They have no recreation or recess in their work . 他们并没有休息或停工 时间。 2. The mill's closing down for three days . 工厂将停工 三天。 3. We were forced to shut down our jefferson avenue plant for a couple of days . 我们不得不把杰逊大道的工厂停工 了一两天。 4. For this reason solids are always removed before shutdown and are progressively introduced during startup . 因此在停工 前总是先把固体卸出而在开工时则逐渐加入。 5. Such stoppages as are observed in practice are thus attributed to mistakes or even irrationality . 在实际情况中看到的这些停工 ,要归因于失误或甚至是非理性的东西。 6. Some road haulage firms had been held to ransom by union demands, backed by threats of instant shutdown . 工会曾以立即停工 相威胁,向一些陆运公司提出要求,进行勒索。 7. At last they ceased working for lack of capital 他们终于由于缺乏资金而停工 了。 8. The storm shut down 10 per cent of us capacity 风暴使10 %的美国炼油产能停工 。 9. How much downtime did we log last week 上周我们的工作日志上记录有多少停工 的时间? 10. The whole company shuts down for 3 weeks ' summer holiday 全公司在夏天都停工 放假三星期。
Similar Words: "停港用循环泵" Chinese translation , "停港作业泵" Chinese translation , "停格" Chinese translation , "停格放映" Chinese translation , "停格摄影机,停滞摄影机" Chinese translation , "停工(业主为抵制工人的要求而停工)" Chinese translation , "停工, 停业, 工厂关闭" Chinese translation , "停工,怠工" Chinese translation , "停工,停工次数" Chinese translation , "停工,停业。" Chinese translation