| 1. | Kierkegaard ' s shadow and lu xun ' s view of ibsen 克尔凯郭尔之影与鲁迅的易卜生观 |
| 2. | An exploration of the relations between kierkegaard and hegel 克尔凯郭尔与黑格尔的关系探微 |
| 3. | On kierkegaard ' s criticism of modern age 论克尔凯戈尔对现时代的批判 |
| 4. | On modern significance of kierkegaard ' s philosophy of religion 论克尔凯郭尔宗教哲学的当代意义 |
| 5. | Kierkegaard ' s theory of existence spheres 克尔凯郭尔的生存境界论 |
| 6. | Living in denying the life on kierkegaard as the subjective thinker 关于作为主观思想家的克尔凯戈尔 |
| 7. | A comparative study of the cognition of aquinas and kierkegaard 阿奎那与克尔凯郭尔认知方式的一个比较研究 |
| 8. | Dispute of ethics : immanence or transcendence - a dialogue among mencius , levinas and kierkegaard 克尔凯郭尔之间的对话 |
| 9. | However , hegel exerts a subtle influence on the thought of kierkegaard 然而,克尔凯郭尔的思想又受到黑格尔潜移默化的影响。 |
| 10. | Michael keith is an academic and director of the centre for urban and community research cucr 迈克尔凯斯在都市和社区研究中心( cucr )担任研究员及主任。 |