全村共三十户: there are thirty households in the village
河堤出险全村的人都赶去抢修: when the dyke was in danger the whole village rushed out to repair it
萨赫勒国家间抗旱常设委员会: comite permanent interetat de lutte contre la secheresse dans le sahelicdcspermanent inter-state commitee for drought control in the sahel
不论: 1.(表示条件或情况不同而结果不变, 后面往往有并列的词语或表示任指的疑问代词, 下文多用“都”、“总”等副词跟它呼应) no matter (what, who, how, etc.); whether ... or ...: 全村不论男女老幼, 都参加了抗旱斗争。 all the villagers, men and women, old and young, took