[ bāmiànlínglóng ] (原指窗户轩敞, 后借以形容人手腕圆滑, 处事接物面面俱到) be all things to all men; be a perfect mixer in any company; be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations); capable of dealing with all men; clever in dealing with people; (of speech) cover all sides beautifully; manage to please everybody; of a smooth article; sail with every (shift of) wind 短语和例子 他这个人, 见风使舵, 八面玲珑, 说了不少使大家高兴的话。 a weather cock and an artful person, he spoke a lot of beautiful words to please people
Certainly a man can only be cosmopolitan up to a certain point . 毫不疑问,一个人在一定程度上必须八面玲珑才成。
So the real victory was still with his smooth, smug brother-in-law . 所以,真正取得胜利的还是他那八面玲珑自命不凡的内弟。
A weather cock and an artful person , he spoke a lot of beautiful words to please people . 他这个人,见风使舵,八面玲珑,说了不少使大家高兴的话。
He had no taste for shame, tack or pretension, and his credo as a professional soldier was unified and concise . 他不喜欢装假、骄傲,或是八面玲珑,作为职业军人,他的信条是:表里一致,言简意赅。
That he could bring off this balancing act was a tribute to his tact, his intelligence, and his instinct for the scope and the limits of indiscretion . 这种平衡术之所以奏效,应当归功于他八面玲珑,脑筋灵活,掌握分寸恰到好处。
He was smooth and agreeable 他待人处事,八面玲珑。
I am hoping to appealto the regular girl , not thesehipster fashionistas here 我希望能吸引传统型的女孩而不是。像这里的八面玲珑非常时尚的女孩。
The most brilliant of all is that story of wilde s , mr best said , lifting his brilliant notebook . that portrait of mr w . h . where he proves that the sonnets were written by a willie hughes , a man all hues “最妙的是王水德的故事威休先生的肖像, ”贝斯特先生举起他那出色的笔记本说, “他在其中证明十四行诗是一个名叫威利休斯的八面玲珑的人写的。 ”
A murmur of approval arose from all and some were for ejecting the low soaker without more ado , a design which would have been effected nor would he have received more than his bare deserts had he not abridged his transgression by affirming with a horrid imprecation for he swore a round hand that he was as good a son of the true fold as ever drew breath 举座发出一片赞同之低语声,有人扬言应立即将该下流醉汉逐之门外。此计划几近付诸实践,将给彼以应有之惩罚。然而彼可鄙地赌咒发誓而且发得八面玲珑,谓彼乃天下最善良之人子也,从而减轻其罪责。