| 1. | This is a hexagonal structure in which the two kinds of atom lie in separate layers . 这是一种六角形的结构,两类原子处在分离的层内。 |
| 2. | Such designs were square, diamond, triangular or hexagonal shaped pellet areas . 这些设计是正方形的,菱形的,三角形的或六角形的小格区域。 |
| 3. | That is why most ice crystals have 6 - side symmetry 这亦是为何大部份冰晶是六角形的 |
| 4. | Hexagonal snowflakes are well known to most of us 呈现六角形的雪花,相信大家都耳熟能详。 |
| 5. | At around - 15c , the ice crystals will form with hexagonal plates which are the typical flat snowflakes we see 典型的六角形的扁平片状雪花会在摄氏零下十五度左右时形成 |
| 6. | As the basic form of ice crystals is a hexagonal prism , most ice crystals are six - sided in shape at the beginning 由于冰晶的基本模式是六角棱体,大部份冰晶的雏形都是六角形的 |
| 7. | As the basic form of ice crystals is a hexagonal prism , most ice crystals are six - sided in shape at the beginning 由于冰晶的基本模式是六角棱体,大部份冰晶的雏形都是六角形的 |
| 8. | Road vehicles - m14 x 1 , 25 compact spark - plugs with flat seating and 19 mm hexagon and their cylinder head housing 道路车辆.带平底座的19mm六角形的m14 1 . 25小型火花塞及其汽缸盖外罩 |
| 9. | With a long , thin bladed knife , cut a five or six - sided opening out on the top of the pumpkin around the stem 用细长的刀子延著南瓜蒂切割出一个五角形或六角形的盖子,再使用大汤匙刮除果肉。 |
| 10. | This hexagonal - shaped pagoda is a three - storey green - brick structure about thirteen metres high . a statue of fui shing champion star is worshipped on the top floor 这座六角形的古塔以青砖砌成,约十三公尺高。 |