| 1. | Loading space height 货厢内高 |
| 2. | Inside board hegiht 栏板内高 |
| 3. | They say national estimates have been based mostly on findings from high - risk groups in large cities 他们说这些国家内的估值大部分都是基于大城市内高危险区的数据。 |
| 4. | Shutting extent of oven door is adjustable . closed - cell silicon gasket ensures a high vacuum degree in oven 箱门闭合松紧能调节,整体成型的硅橡胶门封圈,确保箱内高真空度。 |
| 5. | A special catheter device was usedto deliver low - level radiofrequency energy to heat tissue within the prostate to 100 c 本研究中总共有八位病人因慢性尿滞留合并高手术危险性接受摄护腺内高疗法。 |
| 6. | High levels of lead in the growing bodies can cause learning disabilities , behavioral problems , kidney disorders and other damage 在成长时期,身体内高浓度的铅会造成厌学、行为怪异问题、肾疾病和其他危害等。 |
| 7. | The air - tightness of the chamber door is adjustable , with a wholly - shaped silicon rubber door sealing loop ; so as to guarantee in - chamber high vacuum 箱门闭合松紧能调节,整体成型的硅橡胶门封圈,确保箱内高真空度。 |
| 8. | He has been a voluble defender of domestic jobs , when logic might dictate that efficiency is to be found outside the confines of high - cost japan 御手洗?直滔滔不绝地为国内就业辩护,尽管从逻辑上看,企业只有走出去,摆脱曰本国内高成本的限制,经营才能有效率。 |
| 9. | Mr james h lau jr , chief executive officer of the hkmc , said , we are glad to see the growing sophistication and interest of investors in highly rated mbs products in this region 按揭证券公司总裁刘怡翔先生表示:我们很高兴看见投资者越趋成熟,并对区内高评级按揭证券产品的兴趣日益增加。 |
| 10. | I am just surprised why it is a never before heard the name of the highest in a short period of time the first search list , i simply curious or she zhang yu in the end , was what kind of a person 我只是惊讶为什么这样一个之前从未听说过的名字能在短短时间内高居搜索排行榜首,我好奇的仅仅是她或者张悠雨到底是什么样的一个人。 |