The paper tried to describe the development of yi jing study in han dynasty 该文就汉代易学文献的发展及刘向父子、班固、郑玄在文献学方面的贡献略作阐述。
It ( liu xiang jiaoshu ) is an event in the academic history of han dynasty 刘向校书在汉代学术史上是一个大事件,这是对先秦以来文献典籍的一次比较重要的整理。
In year heping 3 , the third year of the emperor cheng ( the 26th c . bc ) , liuxiang was appointed to be the general secretary for proofing , recensing and collecting the royal library 成帝河平三年(公元前26年) ,刘向受诏领校秘书,对皇室藏书进行校订和整理。
The year 475bc , or two years before yue destroyed wu , marked the beginning of a new period , according to the historical chronology of china 把公元前475年作为一个时代的起点是公元前2世纪著名历史雪茄司马迁的意见,而以“战国”作为这个时代的名称则始于公元前1世纪的学者刘向。
From view of the relation between the collation of liuxiang and spread of the ancient works , we should tread these documents before the collation of liuxiang with the concept of " classification " 摘要从刘向校书与古籍流传之间关系来看,应以“类”的观念对待刘向校书前的诸子文献。
According to his annotation , we can speculate some extortion > omission and extension in the contemporaneously - inherited zhan guo ce , by which we can get better insight into the original features of zhan guo ce written by liuxiang 我们可以依据高注推知今本《战国策》的部分讹、脱、衍情况,也可帮助我们了解刘向本《战国策》的某些原貌。
He is the fourth generation of grandsons of liu jiao , one of the young brothers of liu bang , han gaozu ( the first emperor of han dynasty ) . he overgrew four generations : zhao , xuan , yuan and cheng in western han dynasty 刘向,字子政,本名更生,西汉沛县(今江苏沛县)人,是汉高祖刘邦之弟楚元王刘交的四世孙,一生经历了西汉昭、宣、元、成四代。
It is pointed out in the prologue of shuo yuan that the book is classified according to their categories and those articles are listed respectively by entries . it was made up from the classical literature of pre - dynasties , but was born in the demands of that time 它是收集前代文献资料而成,但却是在现实的要求下产生的,这使得刘向的个人特征不可避免的融入其中。
Taking books copied on silk which was unearthed in the middle time of the han dynasty comparing with the related contents in " yi wen zhi of han book " and treading the documents before the time of liuxiang with the line logic pattern are two mistakes of methodology 将新出土的汉代中期以前的简帛文献比附《汉书?艺文志》相关篇目、以线性的逻辑模式处理刘向之前或其同时代的互见文献,是目前古籍流传和学术史研究中两个比较常见的方法论误区。