Chinese translation for "利率低"
- ease of money br>
Related Translations:
制定利率: to establish rate of interest 粗利率: flat interest charge 差别利率: differential interest rate 平衡利率: equilibrium rate of interest 利率调整: adjustment of interest rateinterest rate adjustment 主利率: ruling rate of interest 过高利率: exce ive interest rateexcessive interest rate
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Interest rates at banks are incredibly low these days 最近银行的利率低的让人无法相信。 | | 2. | Interest rates at banks are incredibly low these days 最近银行的利率低的让人无法不能信任。 | | 3. | Joseph yam on low interest rates 任志刚谈利率低企 | | 4. | Low interest rate in the bank encourages citizens to invest in the stock market 银行利率低促使市民向股市投资 | | 5. | The couple refinanced at a low interest rate to free up money for medical bills 这对夫妇在利率低的时候贷款一支付医疗费。 | | 6. | The low interest rate environment has , thankfully , mitigated the problem somewhat 幸好目前利率低企,稍为减轻了问题的严重程度。 | | 7. | Low interest rates 利率低企 | | 8. | These loans usually begin with lower interest rates for the first two or three years than fixed - rate mortgages 这些贷款在开始的两到三年间利率比固定利率抵押贷款利率低。 | | 9. | With the low level of interest rates and actions taken by banks proactively to manage their problem loans , their average 由于利率低企及银行采取主动管理有问题贷款,年内平均 |
- Similar Words:
- "利率差异" Chinese translation, "利率错配" Chinese translation, "利率的" Chinese translation, "利率的敏感性" Chinese translation, "利率的期限结构" Chinese translation, "利率低, 银根松" Chinese translation, "利率掉期" Chinese translation, "利率掉期;利率调期" Chinese translation, "利率掉期点数" Chinese translation, "利率掉期期货" Chinese translation