[ biékāishēngmiàn ] (开创新的风格面貌) open up a fresh outlook; a new leaf is turned.; break fresh ground; break a new path; create a new form [phase] of; in a novel way; open new vistas (for); originate a new layout (from); start sth. new [original]; strike a fresh note 短语和例子 一次别开生面的现场会 an entirely new sort of on-the-spot meeting
His method of study was characteristic . 他的学习方法是别开生面的。
Broadway audiences and critics were struck by its originality, vitality, and excitement . 它是那样地别开生面,生气勃勃,激动人心,百老汇的观众和评论家无不为之倾倒。
For the moment she only said to herself that this "new relation" would perhaps prove her very most distinguished . 当时她只对自己说,这“新友谊”对她说来可能是别开生面的。
We had made several prizes in this new way of business, but the last would have been extraordinary . 我们在这种别开生面的生意里也得到过几回好处,但是最后一次可说是很大的。
Just now, she chose to drink from the creek, lying prone on the ground, her face half-buried in the water, and this was not because she was thirsty, but because it was a new way to drink . 这会儿,她想要趴在地上,把半个脸儿埋在河水里喝水,这可不是因为她觉得口渴,而是因为这样喝水别开生面。
The holiday was a refreshing change for us 这次假日别开生面,我们都感到新奇。
This is an entirely new sort of wedding ceremony 这是一次别开生面的婚礼。
This suggestion is new , and out of the common road 这个建议是新的,而且是别开生面的。
Be also to break a new path 也是别开生面的。
November , 2006 . the whole class consisted of four parts , 45 minutes in all ,在我校六楼多媒体教室举行了一次别开生面的公开课。