割地求和: cede territory and ask for peace; beg for peace by ceding territory to another country; sacrifice some territory in order to make peace
Example Sentences:
The century - old concept wrought by the national humiliations imposed by the colonialists seems to have come back to life 仿佛是一百多年前酿成割地赔款的心态,从湿淋淋的防腐药剂中苏醒过来。
In the meantime , the whig government in england had fallen and , in 1841 , the new tory foreign secretary , lord aberdeen , issued revised instructions to pottinger , dropping the demand for an island 其时,英国的维新党政府下台,新上任的保守党外务大臣阿巴甸勋爵于一八四一年修改给予?甸乍爵士的训令,撤回割地的要求。