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Home > english-chinese > "加拿大国旗" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "加拿大国旗"

flag of canada

Related Translations:
俄罗斯联邦国旗:  russia flag
加拿大绿党:  green party of canada
加拿大电影:  canadian films
加拿大经济:  economy of canada
加拿大法律:  canadian law
加拿大道:  cbc television
加拿大联盟:  conservative party of canada
中国和加拿大:  chinese and canadan
加拿大黄铜公司:  canadian bronze co., ltd
加拿大七喜:  canadian 7up
Example Sentences:
1.He ordered all canadian flags removed from provincial buildings when the row over offshore oil revenues first broke out
2.Hen the moment of departure came . on that morning , they paid one last visit to the dairy farmers and their newly built demonstration tie stalls . later they went to the elementary school of the village and presented the pupils with pins of canadian national flags
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