Chinese translation for "加拿大国旗"
- flag of canada
Related Translations:
加拿大绿党: green party of canada 加拿大联盟: conservative party of canada
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | He ordered all canadian flags removed from provincial buildings when the row over offshore oil revenues first broke out 当有关海洋石油收入的争论首次爆发时,他命令将加拿大国旗从所有省政府大楼上撤下。 | | 2. | Hen the moment of departure came . on that morning , they paid one last visit to the dairy farmers and their newly built demonstration tie stalls . later they went to the elementary school of the village and presented the pupils with pins of canadian national flags 在离开和林格尔返回加拿大的那天早上,她们最后一次去看望奶农和建成的示范牛栏,同时到公喇嘛村小学校去看望同学们并向小朋友们发送了带有加拿大国旗的小别针。 |
- Similar Words:
- "加拿大国立美术馆" Chinese translation, "加拿大国立研究院" Chinese translation, "加拿大国民银行" Chinese translation, "加拿大国民杂志" Chinese translation, "加拿大国内航空公司" Chinese translation, "加拿大国庆日" Chinese translation, "加拿大国铁" Chinese translation, "加拿大国营海运公司" Chinese translation, "加拿大国营频道" Chinese translation, "加拿大国有铁路" Chinese translation