They boarded him for $ 40 a week . 他们按每周收费40美元给他包伙。
After the merchant ' s wife died , he broke up house - keeping , and boarded 那商人的妻子亡故以后,他就不再理家而出去包伙了。
The onus is on the investment - minded managers to identify the right outsource partner who can do the job profitably 具有投资意识的经理人有责任去鉴别谁是这项工作合适的外包伙伴。
The strange - tasting food did not agree with all the palates of the descendants of the yellow emperor , many of whom were soon having stomach trouble 每日的午餐由一家包伙公司承办,送来的是这个国家典型的工作午餐。
For a big drugs firm , wuxi offers a flexible outsourcing partner that is cheap to use and easy to dump : wuxi ' s contracts can be cancelled with as little as 30 days ' notice 对制药巨头而言,药明康德是一个相当机动的外包伙伴,不仅费用低廉,解除关系也简单:只要提前30天通知,就能取消和药明康德所签的合同。