| 1. | The medical unit made its way eastwards . 医疗队向东行进。 |
| 2. | Bethune and the unit fell back to a town called sung chia chuang . 白求恩和医疗队撤退到宋家庄。 |
| 3. | From here on the medical unit would proceed with only a guide . 再过去,医疗队只带着一个向导继续前进。 |
| 4. | Bethune conferred with nieh about the future work of the medical team . 白求恩和聂讨论了医疗队今后的工作。 |
| 5. | The medical team reached chi huei in the midst of an enemy artillery barrage . 医疗队冒着敌人的炮火抵达了齐会。 |
| 6. | Bethune and the unit went into action in a fierce engagement at kiu han . 白求恩和医疗队在吕汉的一场激战中投入了战斗。 |
| 7. | During a lull in the fighting the mobile units can work at the base hospitals . 在战斗暂时停止时,战地医疗队可以在后方医院工作。 |
| 8. | Attached to the medical services, i see little of war's glory, and most of war's waste . 在医疗队里,我看不到战争的光荣,只看到战争的破坏。 |
| 9. | Bethune enlarged his mobile unit to 18 people, brought in fong from the 359th brigade as an operating assistant . 白求恩把他的战地医疗队扩充到十八个人,从三五九旅调来了方作手术助手。 |
| 10. | The surgical team consists of a senior surgeon, an anesthetist and a theater sister with complete emergency equipment . 这个外科医疗队由一名高级外科医师、一名麻醉师及一名手术室护士组成,并带有整套急救设备。 |