| 1. | At twenty-two , he is just beginning to find himself . 他在二十二岁时才逐渐发现自己的实际才能。 |
| 2. | Bruce, now twelve, revealed himself as a history addict . 布鲁斯这时十二岁了,喜欢历史就象着了魔。 |
| 3. | She said she was only twenty-two -- twenty-two , all my eye ! 她说她只有二十二岁二十二岁,胡说八道。 |
| 4. | You let me go to hell from the time i was twelve years old . 打我十二岁那年起你就让我自生自灭,死活不管。 |
| 5. | I would very humbly point out to you that i am twenty-two years old . 原谅我大胆提一句,我已经二十二岁了。 |
| 6. | At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous . 人体在十二岁时正处于精力最旺盛的时期。 |
| 7. | Poor fellow , he was only twenty-two and to be burdened with a family ! 可怜的人哪,他才只有二十二岁竟要担起养家的重担! |
| 8. | "he was just twelve years and twenty days old, "said eliza over and over . “他只活了十二岁零二十天,”意莱莎左一遍又一遍地说。 |
| 9. | In 1780, when he was seventy-two and she sixty-one, franklin sent his friend a delightfully unconventional proposal of marriage . 1780年,七十二岁的富兰克林向他那位六十一岁的朋友写了一封令人愉快而又不落俗套的求爱信。 |
| 10. | If you are born and brought up a catholic, you have absorbed a great deal of world history and the history of ideas before you are twelve . 如果你是在天主教徒的家庭中成长的,你在十二岁以前就会学到不少的世界史和思想史。 |