And made us kings and priests to god , 我们是否软弱多愁,千斤重担压肩头?
A heavy debt lay on the family like a dead weight 沉重的债务像千斤重担压在一家人的头上。
In the end , i scored against southampton and i remember running away from the goal with all the pressure coming off my shoulders 最终,我在对圣徒的比赛中进球了,那一刻,肩上的千斤重担好象一下子烟消云散,我开始狂奔。
We began the long struggle through the jumble of institutional red tape , realizing that the crushing weight of michael ' s medical bills could fall entirely on our shoulders 我们开始踏上漫长的征途,历经规定的繁杂的公事程序,认识到迈克尔那医疗费的千斤重担可能整个压在我们的肩上。
Then he volunteered , saying , you know , that was probably from someone who had carried a weight of sin for years , and when they laid it at jesus feet , they left here as if a ton of weight had been lifted from their shoulders 他说,那大概是个多年背负罪担的人,把它放在耶稣脚前,就像千斤重担从他们肩头御下。
The next stop was the good shepherd statue where i told him that one time we found a note of confession placed at the feet of jesus . then he volunteered , saying , you know , that was probably from someone who had carried a weight of sin for years , and when they laid it at jesus feet , they left here as if a ton of weight had been lifted from their shoulders 在好牧人雕像前我告诉他,有一次我们找到一张认罪的纸条,就在耶稣的脚边他说,那大概是个多年背负罪担的人,把它放在耶稣脚前,就像千斤重担从他们肩头御下。
She was wild to be at home - to hear , to see , to be upon the spot , to share with jane in the cares that must now fall wholly upon her , in a family so deranged ; a father absent , a mother incapable of exertion and requiring constant attendance ; and though almost persuaded that nothing could be done for lydia , her uncle s interference seemed of the utmost importance , and till he entered the room , the misery of her impatience was severe 她非回家不可了要亲自去听听清楚,看看明白,要赶快去给吉英分担一份忧劳。家里给弄得那么糟,父亲不在家,母亲撑不起身,又随时要人侍候,千斤重担都压在吉英一个人身上。关于丽迪雅的事,她虽然认为已经无法可想,可是她又认为舅父的帮助是极其重要的,她等他回来真等得万分焦急。