| 1. | The sofa was covered with expensive brocade . 沙发上铺上了华贵的织锦。 |
| 2. | She comes to mrs. higgins with studied grace . 她端庄华贵地走向息金斯夫人。 |
| 3. | Cashmere is the most luxurious materials . 开司米料最为华贵。 |
| 4. | Dainty sauces are the life, the nobility of famous dishes . 美味的调料给上等佳肴以生命和华贵。 |
| 5. | Day came, and she was transformed again into a grand lady . 可是一到白天,她又变成一位华贵的夫人。 |
| 6. | They're all handsome and magnificent and that they wear wonderful robes and crowns . 他们都风度翩翩,温文尔雅,穿着华贵的长袍,戴着冠冕呢。 |
| 7. | Her mother had given her fine, costly clothes, and these were now torn and rent by the thornhedge . 她母亲给她的漂亮华贵的衣服,现在也被刺儿篱笆撕破了。 |
| 8. | had about 460 pounds left, a great many very rich clothes, a gold watch, and some jewels. 我现在还剩下四百六十镑,一些十分华贵的衣服,一只金表,几颗钻石。 |
| 9. | He had never thought of his sweetheart as of so superior a being, and he was instantly taken with a feeling of diffidence . 他从来没有想到他的爱人会这样的华贵,竟使他的内心立刻产生了一种自惭形秽的感觉。 |
| 10. | It was hard to understand why a man who looked like that, with teeth like that and such elegant clothes, and all that money, would ever have to have lunch alone . 象他那样的男人,有那样的仪表,那样的牙齿,那样华贵的衣服,那么多的钱,为什么还要孤零零地一个人吃午饭,这一点实在难以理解。 |