Oaths and vile language of any sort had always been repellent to me . 无论哪一种咒骂和卑污的语言,我一向都讨厌的。
Those keen on returning to the past keep telling us how dark and vile the status quo is and what serious wickedness and heavy misfortune it brings 热心复古的人,开口闭口都是说“现在”的境象若何黑暗,若何卑污,罪恶若何深重,祸患若何剧烈。
They should understand , however , that what they speak of , if true , is a long - standing inheritance from the past , definitely not a product of today 要晓得“现在”的境象倘若真是这样黑暗,这样卑污,罪恶这样深重,祸患这样剧烈,也都是“过去”所遗留的宿孽,断断不是“现在”造的。