| 1. | Very good results have been achieved in rural reform . 农村的改革卓有成效。 |
| 2. | It was one of adlai's most effective efforts . 这是艾德莱又一次卓有成效的工作。 |
| 3. | The reform in the rural areas has proved highly successful . 农村的改革卓有成效。 |
| 4. | Their efforts were successful . 他们的努力卓有成效。 |
| 5. | Job satisfaction is essential if we are to work efficiently . 要使工作卓有成效,必须保证工作时得心应手。 |
| 6. | We both liked the head teacher's enthusiasm and quiet efficiency . 我们俩都很喜欢主任教师的热情和从容不迫而卓有成效的工作。 |
| 7. | I hope you have the arrangements here satisfactory and your work productive . 我希望,这里的安排使你满意,你本人的工作也卓有成效。 |
| 8. | The system has succeeded in providing greater price stability for consumers . 该系统在为消费者提供更可靠的价格稳定性方面是卓有成效的。 |
| 9. | The accelerator has been fruitfully combined to explicate economic dynamics . 在用来阐述经济动态学的模型中,加速数一直同乘数卓有成效地结合在一起。 |
| 10. | A successful project for helping nutrionally vulnerable children and mothers is now under way in tamil nodu in south india . 在印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦,正在实行着一个帮助营养不良的儿童和母亲的卓有成效的项目。 |