Cavity - gettering was studied by comparing varies of reversed leakage - current jr of above two kinds of diodes before and after thermal process 并与相同工艺条件下单面抛光二极管的实验结果比较。本实验分两个阶段进行。
The ps was formed by photo - electrochemical means . anodization was carried out on n - type silicon ( 111 ) substrates with resistivity ( n + - n - si : 3 ? cm - 5 ? cm n - si : 80 ? cm - 100 ? cm ) 采用单面抛光的n型单晶硅片,晶面为( 111 ) ,电阻率为3 ? cm - 5 ? cm和80 ? cm ? 100 ? cm ,经过阳极氧化制得的多孔硅在紫外灯下发红橙光或红光。
The diodes manufactured using back - side and double - side au - doped wafers were studied in this work . the effects of the nanocavity - gettering technique were monitored by the leakage current . the experimental results showed that the thermal treatment of the gettering - process was very important to the gettering efficiency 由于实际的集成电路和分离器件都是做在单面抛光片上的,这一结果对将微孔吸除技术用于实际器件的生产过程具有较重要的参考价值。