卸: 动词1.(从运输工具上搬下来) remove cargo or freight; unload; discharge; unlade 短语和例子卸下船上的货物 discharge a ship of her cargo; unship a cargo2.(把加在人或牲口身上的东西取下) lay down; take away 短语和例子卸担子 lay down a burd
电力: [电学] power; electric power◇电力变阻器 power rheostat; 电力捕鱼 electrofishing; 电力潮流 direction of energy; 电力传动 electric drive [transmission]; power drive [transmission]; 电力传动系统 power transmission sy
引: Ⅰ动词1.(牵引; 拉) draw; stretch 短语和例子引弓 draw a bow2.(引导) lead; guide 短语和例子引路 lead the way; 他把我引进会客室。he ushered me into the reception room. 一条沟把溪水引到田间。a ditch diverted water from the stream into