Chinese translation for "历史先例"
- historical antecedent
Related Translations:
历史地质学: geochronic geologyhistoric geologyhistorical geology 历史文摘: historical abstracts 版本历史: itunes_version_history 摩洛哥历史: history of morocco 历史问题: problems of history 中国历史: chinese historyhistory of china 微软历史: history of microsoft
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Consequently , people will pick passwords that look well - chosen , but are not 基于历史先例, prng的种子通常是参照系统时钟生成的。 |
- Similar Words:
- "历史问题" Chinese translation, "历史舞台" Chinese translation, "历史系" Chinese translation, "历史系男生" Chinese translation, "历史系图书馆" Chinese translation, "历史现在时" Chinese translation, "历史现在时, 编年史中的现在时" Chinese translation, "历史相对论" Chinese translation, "历史相对主义" Chinese translation, "历史相关控制" Chinese translation