| 1. | This movement has aroused the masses on a large scale . 群众发动的面很广。 |
| 2. | Forces at my disposal are totally inadequate to meet attack envisaged . 我现有的军队完全不足以应付敌人可能发动的进攻。 |
| 3. | With the breaking out of the axis war in 1939, the atmosphere rapidly cleared . 1939年爆发的由轴心国家发动的战争,使气氛迅速地明朗了。 |
| 4. | The tirpitz had been disabled by the audacious and heroic attack of our midget submarines . “提尔古茨”号战列舰由于我们小型潜艇发动的大胆而英勇的袭击而丧失了战斗力。 |
| 5. | He was making wonderful progress in the splendid and valiant campaign he was waging to become a general . 在他发动的这场使自己跻身将军行列的辉煌、英勇的战役中他正在取得惊人的进展。 |
| 6. | The threat of war perceived to come from large armies attaching across an internationally recognized line of demarcation . 战争的威胁来自跨过国际承认的边界线发动的大规模的武装进攻。 |
| 7. | I was aware, of course, of the pervasive sense of beleaguerment that resulted from a combination of the president's personality and the violent, occasionally extralegal assault of the antiwar critics . 由于总统本人的个性,再加上反战分子发动的猛烈的,有时甚至是违法的攻击,造成了一种四面受敌的气氛。对于这一点,我当然是了解的。 |
| 8. | What our enemies have begun , we will finish 敌人发动的一切,让我们去把它终结。 |
| 9. | Alliance starts the war , and then you volunteer 联盟发动的战争然后你自愿入伍 |