| 1. | Project cost control of construction enterprise 水电厂控制发电成本的有效途径 |
| 2. | Electricity price analysis for gas - fired combined cycle power plants 燃气联合循环电厂发电成本预测 |
| 3. | Cost of electricity analysis of the hybrid power system combining wind farm with gas turbine 风电与燃气轮机互补发电系统发电成本分析 |
| 4. | Accurate load forecasting is helpful to the security and stability of power system as well as generation costs 准确的负荷预测有助于提高电力系统的安全性和稳定性,减少发电成本。 |
| 5. | Because generation cost is the primary part of bidding price , it is necessary to analyze generation cost accurately and timely 这其中,必须首先实现对电厂发电成本的及时准确的分析核算,因为发电成本是上网电价的主要组成部分,是进行报价数据分析的最基础数据。 |
| 6. | The cost per kilowatt hour of producing electricity ; it includes the cost of capital , debt service , operation and maintenance , and fuel . which does not include transmission and distribution costs 即发电成本价,不含线损和配电损失。以前报导的美国核电成本价为1 . 82美分,即是这个价。 |
| 7. | The main cost of thermal power plant chiefly is the coal consumption , and the operating cost of ball mill is only the one small part . it is not necessity to do risk and sensitivity analysis 火力发电厂的发电成本主要是煤耗,球磨机的运行费用只是发电费用中的一小部分,所以本文没有做风险分析和敏感性分析。 |
| 8. | But it has been yet inferior to routine power in cost , especially in our country , its cost doesn " t still compete against routine power . this restricts the development of the wind power generation cause in our country 但是风力发电成本与常规能源相比仍不具有优势,特别是我国,风力发电成本还难于同常规能源相竞争,这制约了我国风电事业的发展。 |
| 9. | With the decrease of oil resource in the world , to reduce the operating costs in the power stations , the studies of ignition technologies with less or no oil have been developed early at home and abroad , and there are many achievements gained 随着全世界石油资源的日趋紧张,为了降低发电成本,国内外很早就开展了少油及无油点火技术的研究并取得许多成果。 |
| 10. | Therefore , it makes a great sense to find an optimal operating method of soot blowers to make the total loss minimum caused by soot accumulation and by energy consumption of soot blowers in order to decrease the cost of power generation 因此,采用何种吹灰系统运行方式才能使积灰引起的损失和吹灰消耗的能量损失总和最小,在降低发电成本方面就有了十分重要的意义。 |