| 1. | Women could raise their chances of getting pregnant by tucking into ice cream , scientists said 科学家指出,妇女可多食用脂肪含量高的冰淇淋,以提高受孕率。 |
| 2. | She found that young women in denmark have a significantly lower natural conception rate than in past decades 她发现,丹麦的年轻妇女的自然受孕率比过去的数十年要很明显地低。 |
| 3. | Although fecundability is low in women at this age , ovulation and pregnancy are still possible until 1 year has elapsed since the last period 尽管这一年龄段的妇女受孕率很低,但末次月经后一年仍然具有排卵和怀孕的可能。 |
| 4. | Whereas a healthy 30 - year - old woman has a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant in any given month , by age 40 those odds drop to 5 percent 当一名30岁的健康女性每月的受孕率为20时,对于那些40岁的女性来说受孕率会降到只有5 。 |
| 5. | In fact , after age 30 , the probability of a woman getting pregnant naturally decreases 3 percent to 5 percent per year ? and even faster when she hits 40 , notes the american fertility association 实际上,女性在30岁后自然受孕率每年会下降百分之三到五,当到40岁时,这种下降的速度会更快。 |
| 6. | In 1990s , studies performed at harvard medical school illustrated that fertility can be improved when couples learn to manage their emotional stress through their mind body program 自九十年代起,美国哈佛大学医学院发展一系列身心健康课程,有效帮助不孕夫妇处理情绪压力,并成功提升他们的受孕率。 |
| 7. | The results indicate that under the laboratory condition , hormone drugs can enhance the pregnant rate of the tree shrews during non - breeding period , and our method of rearing young tree shrews is convenient and easy to be operateed 表明在实验室条件下,非繁殖期使用激素类药物能提高成年树?的受孕率;被动母乳联合人工配方乳喂养仔树?的方法简单易行。 |
| 8. | In 2001 the journal of reproductive medicine published a study by three columbia university researchers claiming that prayer for women undergoing in vitro fertilization resulted in a pregnancy rate of 50 percent , double that of women who did not receive prayer 2001年《再生医学期刊》刊出了一篇美国哥伦比亚大学三位研究员的研究报告,宣称人工受孕的女性中,有接受代祷者的受孕率达50 % ,是没有接受代祷者的两倍。 |