I shall never be an ascetic if she does not take the vow with me 我将永不做一个苦行者,假如她不和我一同受戒。
Master attended ceremonies of monks , and first appeared in buddhist monk s clothing 师父受戒出家,而且她刚开始出来时是穿佛教出家服。
And still remained completely “ kui wei tan deng zhen lu ” of 609 followers in ten years of kangde 并有保留完好的康德十年受戒弟子609人的《癸未坛登真录》 。
I was ordained here , so i followed the traditional customs . i abided by the rules and disciplined myself 我那时候在这边受戒,我依照传统走下去,先把自己规矩戒律弄好,把自己训练好在规矩里面。
At the head of the social system , as the clergyman of that day stood , he was only the more trammelled by its regulations , its principles , and even its prejudices 当年,牧师们是身居社会首位的,因此他只能更受戒律原则甚至偏见的束缚。
Actually , if those don ' ts and mustn ' ts are meant to prevent such nuisances as spitting , killer - littering , and reckless jaywalking , i would rather accept them willingly 如果对随地吐痰乱穿马路高楼抛物的惩罚也算是“清规戒律” ,我倒愿意“受戒” 。
The women who believed in buddhism would be at the same time restricted by their faith , by which their family life must be influenced , while such restriction and its following influence would be chiefly embodied in their receiving of and abiding by the disciplines and regulations 摘要信佛妇女在接受信仰的同时势必受到信仰的约束,这种约束也一定会对她们的家庭生活带来影响,而这种约束与随之产生的影响主要体现在她们的受戒遵戒上面。