| 1. | Analysis of knowledge of oral cavity health care among 400 pregnant women 400名孕妇口腔保健知识水平的分析 |
| 2. | Health care education for parents of children in kindergartens 家长对幼儿口腔保健认知水平的调查分析与对策 |
| 3. | Effectiveness of intervention of oral care knowledge on children teachers 幼儿教师口腔保健知识干预效果评价 |
| 4. | Carrying out social practice in oral hygiene among university students 大学生开展口腔保健社会实践活动的思考 |
| 5. | Knowledge and behavior about oral health care among parents of infants 350名儿童口腔保健知识与行为的调查分析 |
| 6. | Provides staff dental plan 员工口腔保健及医疗计划 |
| 7. | Survey on 1 350 children ' s recognition and behavior about oral health care 幼儿家长口腔保健知识健康教育效果评价 |
| 8. | Effectiveness of knowledge spread about oral care by different spread methods 不同传播途径口腔保健知识传播效果的调查 |
| 9. | Effectiveness evaluation of health education of oral care knowledge among parents of infants 幼儿家长口腔保健知识与行为调查 |
| 10. | The investigate and analysis of kap of pupils oral health care in community school 社区学校小学生口腔保健知识态度行为调查分析 |