| 1. | Chen yuan ' s contribution to classic philology 试论陈垣对古典文献学的贡献 |
| 2. | Crises in chinese quality of editors and carrying on the classical literature 编辑语文素质与古典文献传承之危机 |
| 3. | The bamboo - slip documents of chu unearthed in guodian and study of classical documents 郭店楚简与古典文献学研究 |
| 4. | Study of chinese classical text 中国古典文献学 |
| 5. | Study on the propagation of classical philology and its elaboration on traditional philology 古典文献学术传播研究及其对传统文献学的拓深 |
| 6. | Environmental geotechnical projects on the theory and application - a summary of the international academic symposium 中国古典文献学及中国学术的总体发展国际学术研讨会会议综述 |
| 7. | The american philological association is the principal learned society for classical studies of ancient greek and roman languages , literatures , and civilizations 美国文献协会是一个研究古希腊和古罗马语言、文学、文明古典文献的主要学术机构。 |
| 8. | Japanese sinologists of this time devoted their main efforts to the studies of the classical chinese literature and the auxiliary words and the function words in the classical chinese documents 这个时期的日本汉学家,主要精力是放在对中国古典文学和古典文献中的助词、虚词等词语的研究上。 |
| 9. | In addition , the thesis verifies and comments elaborately the problem of existed editions of origin and development and quoted books by the theories of the classical literature , which edition - logy and catalogue - logy are concerned 此外,本文还运用版本学、目录学等古典文献学的理论和知识,对《吕氏春秋》高注传世版本源流问题作了系统的考证工作,得知高注传世版本虽繁杂,但基本一脉相承。 |
| 10. | In arrange ancient chinese classics , chen yuan pretects and arranges a lot of precious archives and datas , makes a large variety of catalogues , which makes ancient document science in scientific developing road ; initiates and norms new compiling systems in catalogue science ; establishs scientifical , whole theory and methods in jiao - kan science 摘要陈垣在古籍整理中,保护与整理了大批珍贵的文献档案资料,并做了大量的编目工作,使我国古典文献学逐步走上科学化的发展道路,开辟和规整了目录学新的编撰体式,建立了科学完整的校勘学理论与方法论。 |