| 1. | The time structure of historical records in chronological style 编年体史籍的时间结构 |
| 2. | On the taoism history documents in yuan dynasty and their philological value 论元代道教史籍及其文献学价值 |
| 3. | About the missing in the hsi - hsia history in chinese by the scholars of the qing dynasty 清人著汉文西夏史籍亡佚者考略 |
| 4. | Influence of tod historical documents on official historiography of the qing dynasty 托忒文历史文献对清朝官方史籍编纂的影响 |
| 5. | It is also a great book for the people to reseatch and look up 这部点校本所具有的独创处,在学术上和地方史籍的整理上都有示范作用。 |
| 6. | The next day , the emperor called his subjects together to explain the dream . a minister named fu yi said 史籍记载,明帝水平三年公元6o年某夜,梦见一金人,不知何方神人,遂召群臣,以占所梦。 |
| 7. | During this process , both the characters in the mythology legends and the pioneers in history books recorded had practiced the management activities 在这个过程中,不论是神话传说中的人物,还是有史籍记载的先驱者,都有管理活动的实践,也就有管理思想萌芽的出现。 |
| 8. | Coincidentally , more than 100 pieces of shuyi texts were preserved in the sealed cave which was discovered in 1900 , most of them were mot memorized in those literature handed down from ancient times 史籍记录的五代以前的书仪已基本失传, 1900年发现的敦煌石室遗书中保存了一百馀件书仪写本,许多未见于传世文献。 |
| 9. | Based on the manchu archives of heilongjiang general government and other relative materials , the article exposes bukui ' s private information and his family information to make him and the daur known to more people 本文依据黑龙江将军衙门满文档案资料的记载,并参考有关史籍,试图揭示卜魁鲜为人知的个人和家族情况,期望人们对卜魁以及达斡尔族历史有更多的了解。 |