国防大学校史馆: history museum of the national defense university of china
Example Sentences:
On the system of history centre in the tang dynasty 唐代史馆制度略论
The national history institution and it ' s compiling history system 清代的国史馆及其修史制度
The survey of shi guan in tang dynasty 唐代史馆略说
The historiography centers in the tang dynasty : personnel structure and data sources 论唐代史馆的人员设置和史料来源
Archival documents compilation of the tang dynasty from the point of view of historiographers ' office system 从史馆制度看唐代档案文献编纂
The running , management and maintenance of the nantou history museum , the artists records center and the nantou ceramic museum 志工培训及观摩县史馆艺术家资料馆南投陶展示馆之经营管理及维护
The historiographers ' history understanding of the national archives of ming dynasty and the feature of the history thought in the early period of qing dynasty 明史馆馆臣的史学见解和清初史学思想的特征
Houses private manuscripts and regional collections as well as university records . includes subject guides , inventories , an archives tutorial , an administrative history of the university , and some digitized photographs -成立于1986年4月,下设文书档案室科技档案室声像档案室档案馆办公室史料征集编研室校史馆管理室计算机网络室及学校档案杂志编辑部等科室。
On one hand , he took charge of modifying such official books as veritable records of shizong of ming dynasty veritable records of muzong of ming dynasty and books and records of wanli ' s reign , etc , raising many renovation measures to perfect the system of historiographers ' office in ming dynasty ; on the other hand , as the head member of the cabinet , he restored and reconstructed the annotation of daily life that had been long cast aside by exerting his own power 一方面,他先后主持纂修了《明世宗实录》 、 《明穆宗实录》和万历《会典》等大型官书,提出许多改革措施,完善了明代的史馆制度;另一方面,他以内阁首辅的身份,凭借自己的权力,恢复、重建了曾长期废置的起居注。