| 1. | Another thought struck her-suppose she wanted to marry again . 她触起另外一个思想来了--假如她愿意再同人家结婚呢? |
| 2. | Only in his conversation did he display interest and vivacity . 他只是在同人交谈时,才表示出一点高兴和活跃的神态。 |
| 3. | If the gods think to speak outright to man, they will honourably speak outright . 如果神祗愿意开诚布公地同人类谈一谈,他会很乐意开诚布公的。 |
| 4. | Berlin, macmillan said, seemed to him small beer compared to the destruction of humanity . 麦克米伦说,同人类的毁灭相比,柏林问题在他看来,只不过是微不足道的。 |
| 5. | Miss johnson had the idea that one of our pupils might have gone out there to keep an assignation with someone . 约翰逊小姐以为,可能是我们的一个学生到那儿去同人幽会。 |
| 6. | Otters and bears are the animals that joke most and bears, of course, are very close to men . 海獭和狗熊在动物中间可以称得上善于嬉耍的姣姣者了,尤其是狗熊更同人差不多。 |
| 7. | Throughout the bitter winter in the mountains they had been at close grip with a more numerous and better-equipped foe . 他们在整个严冬在山区同人数较多、装备较好的敌军短兵相接。 |
| 8. | It has chosen to label as morality a certain narrow set of rules of conduct which have nothing to do with human happiness . 它把某些同人类幸福毫无关系的狭隘的行为准则,美其名为道德。 |
| 9. | She answered pomposity with irony and dominated conversations by her personality and shrewd psychology . 对于虚夸自负她用的是反唇相讥,她以她的人品和机敏的心理来控制同人家谈话的进程。 |