| 1. | The code protected by the synchronized block or 受同步块或 |
| 2. | Lock coarsening is the process of merging adjacent synchronized blocks that use the same lock object 锁粗化就是把使用同一锁对象的相邻同步块合并的过程。 |
| 3. | Synchronization blocks are per - object data structures allocated for storing synchronization information 同步块是为存储同步信息分配的基于对象的数据结构。 |
| 4. | Synchronization blocks hold weak references to managed objects and must be scanned by the garbage collector 同步块保留对托管对象的弱引用并且必须由垃圾回收器扫描。 |
| 5. | The stopped thread would set a flag that would be tested immediately after exiting all synchronized blocks 被停止线程应设置一个标志,并且当退出所有同步块时立即测试此标志。 |
| 6. | Synchronization blocks are not limited to storing synchronization information ; they can also store com interop metadata 同步块不局限于只存储同步信息;它们还可以存储com interop元数据。 |
| 7. | When not in a synchronized method . surround the code to be synchronized in a synchronized block within a non - synchronized method and call 将那些需要同步的代码包在一个同步块中,里面不含有非同步的方法,并且在这些同步代码块之外才调用 |
| 8. | When a thread exits a synchronized block as part of releasing the associated monitor , the jmm requires that the local processor cache be flushed to main memory 当线程为释放相关监视器而退出一个同步块时, jmm要求本地处理器缓冲刷新到主存中。 |
| 9. | And , if this process is applied repeatedly , the entire loop can be collapsed into a single synchronized block with a single " counter 10000000 " operation 而且,如果重复应用这个过程,整个循环将缩水成一个单独的同步块,这个同步块中只有一个" counter = 10000000 "操作。 |
| 10. | It also ensures that the compiler does not move instructions from inside a synchronized block to outside although it can in some cases move instructions from outside a synchronized block inside 它也确保了编译器不会把指令从一个同步块的内部移到外部(虽然在某些情况下它会把指令从同步块的外部移到内部) 。 |