Fifth , a methods based on the above spatial and temporal result was brought forward to obtain the final , a two threshold method was proposed 第五章介绍时空联合提取技术,在这章中我们研究了采用双阀值进行前、后景判定的方法,提高了提取对象的准确性。
The load test for bridge no . str18 foreground has been completed while work continues on the construction of the abutments pier for bridge no . str19 background 邻近于长沙桥编号str18的桩柱负载测试经已完成前景观与及继续进行桥编号str19的桥墩和中间桥墩的工程后景观
The early abstract art provides rich resources to create new form of landscape architecture , and later after - modernism landscape architecture directly involved with the evolution of art and present in different styles such as pop art , minimalism and land art etc . the rationalism of philosophy of science and modernism urges the landscape architecture focuses on space and function of the design , and ecological idea plays more and more important role after 1960s 科学哲学和“现代主义”的理性促使现代景观构筑景观设计范式,关注空间、功能,并使“生态主义”的方法论成为60年代后景观设计的科学主潮;计算机技术的突飞猛进,则为景观设计的科学化提供了物质基础;新材料、新技术的广泛应用,也使得设计手段日趋丰富。