toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation
Related Translations:
危险: dangerous; perilous; risk; peril; danger 短语和例子发出危险信号 send out a danger signal; 冒生命危险 at the risk of one's life; peril one's life; 脱离危险 out of danger; 在危险中 in danger of; in the time of peri
慢性: 1.(发作得缓慢的) slow in taking effect 短语和例子慢性毒药 slow poison2.(拖得长久的) chronic 短语和例子患慢性疾病 suffer from a chronic disease [illness]; 慢性癌 scirrhous cancer; scirrhus; 慢性鼻炎 rhinitis chronic; 慢性传染 chro