| 1. | Deep inspiration causes the liver to descend . 深吸气使肝脏下降。 |
| 2. | It even hurts now when he takes a deep breath . 现在他深吸气时就感到很痛。 |
| 3. | He cupped his hands , puffing breath in and out . 他把两手弯成杯形,来回地吸气吹气。 |
| 4. | He puffed breath in and out . 他来回地吸气吹气。 |
| 5. | The inspiratory effort halts . 吸气动作停止。 |
| 6. | During inhalation, contraction of the intercostal muscles elevates the ribs . 吸气时肋间肌收缩,提起肋骨。 |
| 7. | Pain on inspiration is often found in patients with acute cholecystitis . 吸气时疼痛是患有急性胆囊炎的人身上常有的现象。 |
| 8. | The rattailed maggot, for example, possesses a "snorklelike" telescopic air tube . 例如长尾蛆就有一个“通气管”似的伸缩吸气管。 |
| 9. | She clutched the mask and breathed short and deep, pantingly, making the respirator click . 她抓住面罩,呼呼地吸气,又短促又深入,弄得呼吸器答答响。 |
| 10. | Getter-ion pumps decrease chamber pressure by chemical reaction of residual gases with an evaporated metal . 吸气离子泵通过剩余气体与蒸发的金属之间的化学反应减少了内腔的压力。 |