延: Ⅰ动词1.(延长) prolong; extend; protract 短语和例子苟延残喘 be on one's last legs; linger on in a steadily worsening condition; 蔓延 spread; 绵延不断 stretch long and unbroken2.(向后推迟) postpone; delay 短语和例子大会遇
Example Sentences:
Kang sung - yeoun , byun ju - yeon 康顺云,边周延
According to that , autonomy as well as rights / powers is rationality and reasonability in legal theory and practice 据此,自治与自治权在理论与实践中得以周延。
The four derived theories , based on the core theories , are relative deprivation , class struggle , resource mobilization , and gap hypotheses 为了更周延地解释集体行动,整合并建构一个较为完整的理论是迫切需要的。
Seeking to ensure the continued effectiveness of these systems and the development of better and more comprehensive animal welfare provisions 我们要确保这些保护系统的有效性,且应发展更佳和更周延的动物福利法令。
Moreover , the judge is obliged to exam , in accordance with self - evident pure logic , whether the concept is comprehensive or whether the deduction is right 并且法官要依据纯粹逻辑的自明性来检测诉辩双方陈述的概念是否周延,推理是否得当。
Tell the truth , but don ' t embarrass others with indiscreet speech . always make a plan , but don ' t spoil the outcome with reckless action 每说一句话,总是发自肺腑,不因拙于言辞而造成别人难堪;每做一件事,必然考虑周延,不因一念愚昧而误了全盘计画。
The evolution of personalism in the civil law reflects the process of growth of personalism in terms of natural , socially commune , independently individual features 人格权制度在民法中的演进,是自然意义上的人格、社会群体意义上的人格、独立个性意义上的人格三者增量周延过程。
An educated person should exercise the self discipline to listen carefully , to consider the facts and arguments and be willing to change in response to what is heard 一位有教养的人应该具备?仔细的倾听他人讲话,周延考虑各种事实与论证,以及乐于接受别人的意见,而改变自己的自律能力。
When finalized , the investigation reports will clarify whether bad design , improper construction or simple failure to erect sufficiently large levees drowned new orleans and the gulf coast 调查报告完成后,我们就可知道造成纽奥良和墨西哥湾沿岸大淹水的主要原因,是设计不良、施工不够周延,或者只是单纯的损坏。
If the " iconic " polar bear is classified as threatened , and the harm is formally attributed towarming caused by humans , then their gambit could lead to all sorts ofregulatory mischief “挂上标签的”北极熊被定为受到了威胁,而且这种威胁在法律上被归因于人类引起的全球变暖,那么这个话题将周延到所有的已知的毁坏。