Chinese translation for "商业书籍"
- geschftsbuch das
geschftsbuch, das;
Related Translations:
书籍插图: book illustration i11tlstratjon 书籍登记册: accession register 书籍的愉悦: the delights of books
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | I am not interested in shopping for new business books . i am not a fad - surfer 我对购买新的商业书籍没兴趣,我可不是一个一直喜欢采用新的管理方式的人。 | | 2. | He reads neither business books nor case studies , and ascribes alibaba ' s survival and success to the fact that he “ knew nothing about technology , we didn ' t have a plan and we didn ' t have any money 他既不读商业书籍,也不学习案例,他将阿里巴巴的生存及成功归结为他“不懂技术,我们没有计划,我们也没有资金。 ” | | 3. | He reads neither business books nor case studies , and ascribes alibaba ' s survival and success to the fact that he “ knew nothing about technology , we didn ' t have a plan and we didn ' t have any money 他既没有阅读商业书籍也没有看案例分析,把阿里巴巴的生存与成功归结为一个事实:他对科技一无所知,没有计划并且没有钱。 | | 4. | He reads neither business books nor case studies , and ascribes alibaba ' s survival and success to the fact that he “ knew nothing about technology , we didn ' t have a plan and we didn ' t have any money 他既没读过商业书籍也没读过案例研究,他将阿里巴巴的生存和成功归功于"他不懂技术,我们没有计划,我们没有钱"这么一个事实 |
- Similar Words:
- "商业收入" Chinese translation, "商业收入;业务收益" Chinese translation, "商业收益" Chinese translation, "商业手工业和旅游部长" Chinese translation, "商业枢纽" Chinese translation, "商业书信" Chinese translation, "商业书信的文体" Chinese translation, "商业书信的语气" Chinese translation, "商业书信及广告" Chinese translation, "商业书信写作" Chinese translation