To be chess at the mercy of others is the biggest catastrophe to most of us 不论古今, “身为任人摆布的棋子”似乎是大多数人的喟叹。
Yet , during these best of times for seafood - lovers , gourmands still can ' t avoid feeling pangs of regret for a disappearing past 然而在这样吃海鲜最幸福的年代,美食家们也不免要发出这样小小的喟叹。
Computer technology has exerted a profound influence on mankind , if we investigate from the aspect of development history of science and technology . so some people sigh with feeling that mankind is walking into digital era 从科技发展的角度看,从来没有一种技术像计算机技术这样对人类产生如此深远的影响,难怪有人喟叹,人类正在步入数字化时代。