Each time the wind puffs out with a short intermittent break of 15 to 30 minutes in rainy seasons and about one hour in dry seasons 2 3分钟后,一切复原,数分钟后又再次喷风。雨季间隔15至30分钟喷一次风,旱季约隔一小时。
Lnj series jet and huller rice mill is a new product developed by our company . science and technology worker according to demend of the market Lnj系列喷风砻碾组合米机是一种高效率的砻谷碾米联合稻谷加工设备,可一次将稻谷碾成白米,也可单独砻谷生产糙米。广泛适用于中、小型大米加工厂和专业户。