| 1. | Shortly afterwards admiral harwood learnt that the ship was weighing anchor . 嗣后不久,哈伍德海军上将获悉船在起锚了。 |
| 2. | In the desperate circumstances which followed, the government issued ever more notes . 在嗣后的危机年代里,政府愈加增发钞票。 |
| 3. | These are clues to the firm's ability to pay dividends and subsequent dividend policy . 这些是有关企业支付股利的能力及嗣后的股利政策的线索。 |
| 4. | It was this concept that riemann generalized, thereby opening up new vistas in non-euclidean geometry . 这个概念嗣后为Riemann所推广,从而在非欧几里德几何学中开辟了新前景。 |
| 5. | Afterwards you can go to the neighbouring zoo 嗣后,你可以逛一下附近的动物园。 |
| 6. | Afterwards you can go to the neighboring zoo 嗣后,你可以逛一下附近的动物园。 |
| 7. | Rock mechanics analysis of structural parameters of stope using back - filling method 阶段空场嗣后充填采矿法采场结构参数的岩石力学分析 |
| 8. | Application of the method of sublevel open stope mining followed by filling at xinqao pyrite mine 分段空场嗣后一次充填采矿法在新桥硫铁矿的应用 |
| 9. | At four months , he was noted to be spastic and significantly delayed in neurodevelopment 嗣后在一个月时,脑超音波图呈现两侧广泛性的多囊性脑质软化症。 |