| 1. | Christian fellowship of pastoral care for youth limited 基督教青少年牧养团契 |
| 2. | Wedding ceremony , sunday service and christian fellowship 婚礼注册、主日崇拜或团契 |
| 3. | Christian new being fellowship limited , the 基督教得生团契有限公司 |
| 4. | Campus christian fellowship committee 校园团契委员会 |
| 5. | Inter - varsity christian fellowship 大专基督徒团契 |
| 6. | Industrial evangelistic fellowship 工业福音团契 |
| 7. | Christian oi hip fellowship ltd 基督教爱协团契 |
| 8. | Joshua fellowship is form by couples and friends of middle age group 约书亚团契是由中年夫妇(朋友)所组成的团契。 |
| 9. | World evangelical fellowship 世界福音团契 |
| 10. | 62 each fellowship is responsible to the congregation council for its financial matters 各团契的财务必须向执事部汇报。 |