| 1. | Such a personage was fawned upon in arthur's realm and reverently looked up to by everybody . 在亚瑟王的国中,这样的人物是没有不巴结的,并能受到大家的尊敬。 |
| 2. | Many of the terms used in the most matter-of-fact way by this great assemblage of the first ladies and gentlemen in the land would have made a comanche blush . 这一大群人明明都是国中最上等的绅士淑女,但是他们用最实事求是的态度说出话来,所用的字眼儿有许多都是让科芒契人听了都得面红耳赤的。 |
| 3. | My father teaches biology in a junior high school 我的父亲在国中?生物学。 |
| 4. | Most memorable day during ms : first day of school 国中时期最难忘的一天:入学第一天。 |
| 5. | I can ' t remember quarreling with him in junior high school 我不记得国中时和他吵过架。 |
| 6. | Temporary shelter at tingnei junior high school 碇内国中临时收容所 |
| 7. | In his days the land was quiet ten years 亚撒年间、国中太平十年。 |
| 8. | And for forty years the land had peace 这样国中太平四十年。 |
| 9. | Then the land had rest from war 于是国中太平,没有争战了。 |
| 10. | And the country was in quietness forty years in the days of gideon 基甸还在的日子,国中太平四十年。 |