Our wafer manufacturing capability is not limited to the crystal materials of our products 当然,我们晶圆成型的量产能力并不拘限于上述的几种晶体材料。
It sounds like a super spiritual feast which may fulfill our ultimate wish of life , doesn ' t it 听来彷佛是一席顶级法筵足以让我们圆成生命终极的愿望,是吗?
A carefree mind is more valued than pleasure . virtue is more valued than success in business 物质的苦乐没有标准,心中的自在才有价值;成功的定义因人而异,道德的圆成才是重要。
The completion of yogi c . m . chen ' s vow to lecture forty - eight times on " the integrated teachings of the five pureland sutras . 陈上师净土五经会通四十八讲满愿记:林博士以此文纪念陈上师讲经大愿之圆成。
These traditional religious obligations , when properly performed , bring one close to the holy feet of our great god siva and fulfill the basic obligation we owe to our religion and ourselves . they are listed below 此传统宗教义务,如能受持,必能引您走向至尊湿婆神的莲花足下,圆成信徒之于本教及自身的根本大愿。